Home » Our commitment to your safety
As the best dolphinariums in the world, and in compliance with our international accreditations including the Humane Certify and EAMM, our safety and quality standards are a priority for everyone on the team.
For this reason, we follow the international protocols to combat COVID-19, with the standards dictated by the international Health organizations, FDA, WHO and CDC.
Dolphinaris seeks to offer a safe experience for all of our guests, along with the highest level of customer service so that you don’t have to worry during your visit.
We know that these values are more important than ever today, and we are committed to welcoming you, where everyone feels safe and secure.
Skip the lines at the venue by purchasing your entrance tickets online. This way you will have faster and more direct access to the park facilities.
In order to avoid conglomerations, the park’s access capacity is limited. Organize your visit into groups of maximum 8 people. (60% of capacity)
COVID-19 affects each person in different ways. If you have any symptoms such as fever, dry cough, tiredness, sore throat or head, difficulty breathing, loss of smell / taste or skin rashes, consult your doctor.
Stay informed about local directions by consulting official WHO and government sources.
Upon arrival at the park, a temperature check will be carried out on all our guests, denying access to anyone with a temperature above 38 ° C.
Inside the park you will find designated spaces in different areas that mark a distance 1.5 meters (6 feet) to reduce the risk of contagion.
The indications of the safety and hygiene protocol established by the park’s collaborators must be followed at all times.Use hand sanitizer.Inside the facilities you will find antibacterial gel available. Use it when necessary.
As part of our new standards. collaborators apply strict protocols for cleaning and sanitizing areas, wear protective glasses, gloves and face masks, as well as we will have a reduced capacity for as long as the health authorities deem necessary.
Follow the cleaning protocols to get home. Avoid touching surfaces such as handles, doors or rails, take off your shoes before entering, wash and disinfect the clothes you went out with and constantly clean surfaces and personal items such as keys, cell phone and wallet.
In most cases, COVID-19 disease resolves gradually, maintaining
rest and isolation. We recommend approaching your doctor or calling the nearest COVID-19 service center for specialized guidance.
Follow our team members guidance
Sanitize hands
Follow guidance on social distance
Wash your hands every time you need
Temperature check mandatory
Face masks recommended for non-humid areas
Because in Quintana Roo we continue to make progress and work to reinforce preventive measures to reduce the risk of COVID infection. At Dolphinaris we are under the Protocol of the WTTC (Word Travel & Tourism Council) and complying with the protocols of Quintana Roo estate Tourism sector such as the Certification in Protection and Sanitary Prevention; where the use of the face mask is emphasized.
We will tell you in which activities you will not be able to use the face mask and where you need it.
We take care of providing you with a face mask, with this we guarantee Safe Spaces for our guests to live unforgettable experiences in Dolphinaris.
Help us take care of you by using the face mask in the right way!
By Decree of National and International Authorities, the use of face masks is MANDATORY.
It is important that the collaborators who receive Guests know this information and guide them our Guests and provide the face mask, when it does not bring it and also know in which activities THEY COULD NOT USE THE FACE MASK.
Improving our protocols and complying with national and international measures. Made changes to protect you, our collaborators and guests.
As the best dolphinariums in the world, and in compliance with our international accreditations including the Humane Certify and EAMM, our safety and quality standards are a priority for everyone on the team.
Dolphinaris will establish the following hygiene measures for all collaborators and guests.
Staff members must:
You should use hand sanitizer every time you enter or leave the facility.
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds, several times throughout the day.
Mandatory use of the mask.
Completely clean and sanitized work areas between guest groups.
Greetings without contact.
We ask our guests:
Follow the healthy distance 1.5 meters at all times
Use the Sanitizing Gel
The temperature will be taken. If the guest has a temperature above 38 ° C, he will not be received.
Organize guests into groups of maximum 8 guests or by families per platform.
All staff members must enter and have a health check-up on arrival. All staff members must wear masks at all times, follow frequent hand-washing protocols, according to CDC guidelines, and social distance during breaks and meetings.
Our platforms provide a spacious and outdoor experience for all guests. Additional will be organized in groups of maximum 8 guests or by families per platform. All guests must go through a sanitation tape located at the swim gate. Delivery of life vest and visors explaining the correct use and the way to adjust it, this equipment is previously sanitized.
Make your dream come true and experience with your family a majestic encounter with dolphins with groups reduced to 50%, maintaining a healthy distance between guests and specialists.
We know that you will live a unique experience of connection and learning, that’s why we adapt our programs to offer all the magic of dolphinaris, putting your health and that of our dolphins first.
Lifeguards, masks and snorkels will be carefully disinfected immediately after each use, keeping away any virus or bacteria from other hosts or collaborators.
1.5m (6 ft.) social distance markers are placed throughout the lobby and the check-in counter has a security barrier to mitigate person-to-person contact. If the guest has a temperature above 38 ° C, he will not be received. The bracelets will be placed, which must be in a sanitized plastic container, each guest will sign a disclaimer in printed form.
Although facial covers are recommended, they will not be required when visiting Dolphinaris unless required by local or state orders. Visit your site’s home page for more information before visiting Dolphinaris.
According to Health authorities, the World Health Organization and the FDA, there is currently no evidence to suggest that food can transmit COVID-19.
Guests classified as a Vulnerable group and / or guests who are within 15 days prior to boarding or travel have had contact with or cared for a person with a suspected or diagnosed case with COVID-19, or who is currently subject to health monitoring by possible exposure to COVID – 19. In addition to those mentioned above, you must have written verification from the treating physician who certifies that you do not have any serious medical condition and that you are able to carry out the activities.