
When is the best time to travel to Mexico?

When is the best time to travel to Mexico? Mexico is a big country (number 14th of the largest by area) and this is why it is a country with different landscapes and temperatures throughout the year. Every tourist that has ever travelled to...

Types of dolphins and characteristics

Types of dolphins and characteristics. Dolphins are mammals that live in the water. They are some of the most intelligent creatures besides humans. There are about 43 species of dolphins that can be found in the world. Most of them are...

Where to swim with dolphins in Riviera Maya

Where to swim with dolphins in Riviera Maya. Dolphins are some of the most friendliest animals of all. They are very smart and charming, and that is why they fascinate us, both children and adults alike. If that is your case too, you might want...

Tips and Advice for Swimming with Dolphins

Tips and Advice for Swimming with Dolphins. Throughout the ages, man has been fascinated by dolphins. Stories come down to us from earliest recorded history of friendly interactions between dolphins and humans. These tales fascinate us, children...

EAAM: European Association for Aquatic Mammals

EAAM: European Association for Aquatic Mammals. The European Association for Aquatic Mammals abbreviated as “EAAM” was formed as an interest group in 1972 at a meeting in the Netherlands. In August 2012 a non-profit Association, with same...